Monday, January 29, 2007

XRuby 0.1.0 released

[Link of this article:]

Today I am glad to announce the release XRuby 0.1.0 , a ruby compiler which compiles ruby script (.rb) to java bytecode (.class). You can download it from here:

XRuby 0.1.0 is the first release of XRuby. It is able to pass all tests in samples/test.rb - a decent test suite that comes with ruby installation.

As a compiler, XRuby compiles ruby source code so that your program can run on top of Java Virtual Machine. For example, if you have a ruby script like this:

class MyClass
  def say_hello_three_times
    3.times {puts "hello"}

You can compile it with XRuby (assuming its name is test.rb):

>java -jar xruby-0.1.0.jar -c test.rb

The compiler will generate a test.jar. It can be launched as a regular java application, with the following command:

>java -jar test.jar

For your convenience, you can also run the script directly (without -c option), just like the classic ruby interpreter. Under the hood it compiles the script then run the bytecode:

>java -jar xruby-0.1.0.jar test.rb

While little known, this project has been under active development for one year and eight months. I started the project around mid 2005, and it took me about eight months to write a ruby parser with Antlr, and then one year to implement the compiler and runtime. Some people joined me during the second half of 2006 and made great contribution. It is just the beginning of an exciting journey.

We still have a long way to go before claiming XRuby is a very competent alternative implementation of ruby. And comparing with our peers we lag behind in implementing ruby's built-in libraries and do not have Ruby-Java bridge. Our next focus is to improve this situation and make major ruby libraries and framework work under XRuby. And we hope by end of 2007 you can use XRuby to compile your Ruby On Rails application to a .war file and run it directly on a J2EE server.

We appreciate your feedback. Our development maillist is at:

I also setup a new blog to be used as XRuby's team blog: . While new articles will be cross posted for quite a while, I encourage you to subscribe if have not done so.

Thank you and have fun.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

XRuby 0.1.0 will be released in January, 2007

Well, the release date of xruby 0.1.0  (our first release) has to be pushed back a little due to the lack of time of our projects members.

The goal of the xruby 0.1.0 is to pass all the tests in ruby's sample\test.rb,  and we are very close to the goal. Right now we still have a few failed tests to be fixed, the majority of them are serialization (Array#pack, Marshal) and eval related. Most technical obstacles of compiling ruby have been solved, it just takes time to do the implementation (especially for the large amount of builtin libraries).

2007 is going to be an exciting year:)