Saturday, September 10, 2005

On Hungarian Notation

Recently Micah Martin complained about Hungarian Notation on his blog. He is definitely not the first person to bring this issue on, the criticism might start as soon as the Notation was born. The complain is valid: if you need to change a type, in Micah Martin's case, from an interface(ICommand) to abstract class(Command), Hungarian Notation is in your way. You have to delete the capital "I" prefix in lots of places, which is not very "agile" for some people.

But I do not want to ignore the advantage of Hungarian Notation: with its help, you can quickly tell the nature of a type without consulting the documents. If you are using a third party library/framework with stable APIs, you are very likely to appreciate if the vendor uses the Hungarian Notation. And for vendors still doing Big Upfront Design (like MS), changing a type does not happen very frequently.

In fact Micah Martin's example is not very good as well, he'd better to create an abstract class which simply implements the interface, and let the subclasses extend from it (to enjoy benefit of template method). The clients of the interface do not require any change, they still consume the interface.


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